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Setup with ONNX and Phi-3 Models

You need to download the ONNX model and configure the model path to use the Phi-3 model with the Azure AI CLI.

If you don't have the ai CLI installed ...

Before you begin, you'll need to install the ai CLI.

Install the ai CLI

Clone/download the Phi-3 ONNX Model
git lfs install
git clone
cd Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-onnx
git lfs checkout
Configure the Model Path
ai config --set mp Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-onnx/directml/directml-int4-awq-block-128
If you want to use the AI Toolkit VS Code Extension's downloaded models

AI Toolkit VS Code Extension
Download the AI Toolkit VS Code Extension.

AI Toolkit Documentation
Learn more about the AI Toolkit on