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ai test run

The ai test run command runs CLI YAML tests.


ai test run [...]


Option Description
--file FILE Specify a file to run tests from
--files FILE1 [FILE2 [...]] Specify multiple files or patterns to run tests from
--tests TEXT1 [TEXT2 [...]] Specify tests to run
--contains TEXT1 [TEXT2 [...]] Filter tests that contain specified text
--remove TEXT1 [TEXT2 [...]] Exclude tests that contain specified text
--output-file FILE Specify file to output test results
--output-format trx|junit Specify output format (trx or junit)


Runs all available tests
ai test run
Run tests from files under current directory, that contain 'setup' or 'nightly', and 'java', but not 'skip'
ai test run --tests setup nightly --contains java --remove skip
Run tests from files under 'tests' directory, that contain 'test3', but not 'skip'
ai test run --files ../tests/**/*.yaml --contains test3 --remove skip