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ai speech translate

The ai speech translate command translates streaming audio captured from a device microphone or stored in local or remote audio files into one or more languages.


ai speech translate [...]


Option Description
--key The subscription key for the Azure Speech service.
--region The region where your Azure Speech service is deployed.
--source The source language of the audio.
--target The target language for translation.
--microphone Capture audio from the device microphone.
--file Translate audio from a local file.
--files Translate audio from multiple local files matching a pattern or listed in a file.
--format The format of the input audio files.
--once Perform a single translation.
--continuous Perform continuous translation.
--keyword Specify a keyword to start the translation.
--log Specify a filename to log the translation.
--proxy Specify a proxy hostname.
--phrases Specify a file containing phrases to improve translation accuracy.
--foreach Perform translation for each item in a specified file.
--threads Number of threads to use for the translation.


Translate audio from the microphone
ai speech translate --microphone --source en-US --target es-ES
Translate audio from a file
ai speech translate --file audio.wav --source en-US --target fr-FR
Continuous translation from the microphone
ai speech translate --microphone --source en-US --target de-DE --continuous