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ai speech synthesize

The ai speech synthesize command synthesizes audio from text or SSML and renders it to the local device's speakers or writes it into local audio files.


ai speech synthesize [...]


Option Description
--key KEY Specifies the API key for authentication.
--region REGION Specifies the region of the service.
--voice NAME Specifies the name of the voice to use.
--voices Lists available voices.
--interactive Enables interactive mode for input.
--text TEXT Specifies the text to synthesize.
--ssml SSML Specifies the SSML content to synthesize.
--file FILE Specifies a file containing text or SSML to synthesize.
--files PATTERN Specifies a pattern to match multiple files to synthesize.
--files @FILELIST.txt Specifies a file containing a list of files to synthesize.
--format FORMAT Specifies the audio format for the output.
--speakers Renders the synthesized audio to the local speakers.
--audio-output FILENAME Specifies the file to write the audio output to.
--log FILENAME Specifies a file to log the synthesis process.
--proxy HOSTNAME Specifies a proxy to use for the request.
--foreach in @ITEMS.txt Executes the command for each item listed in a file.
--threads NUMBER Specifies the number of threads to use for synthesis.


Synthesize text to speakers
ai speech synthesize --text "Hello world" --speakers
Synthesize text to an audio file
ai speech synthesize --text "Hello world" --audio-output output hello_world.wav