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ai speech speaker verify

The ai speech speaker verify command verifies a speaker in a given audio sample against a voice profile. The returned JSON will have a "result" field with an "Accept" or "Reject" value.


ai speech speaker verify [...]
Audio sample length requirements

The verification audio sample must contain between 1 to 15 seconds of speech to be successful.


Option Description
--id ID Unique ID of the voice profile.
--file FILE Path to the audio sample file.
--kind KIND Type of speaker verification.
--key KEY Subscription key for the service.
--region REGION Region associated with the service.
--log FILENAME Path to the log file.
--foreach in @ITEMS.txt Process each item in the specified file.
--threads NUMBER Number of concurrent threads.


Verify a speaker with a provided audio sample
ai speech speaker verify --id <profile-id> --file <audio-sample.wav>
Verify a speaker with additional options
ai speech speaker verify --id <profile-id> --file <audio-sample.wav> --kind <verification-kind> --log <logfile.log> --threads 4