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ai speech recognize

The ai speech recognize command recognizes streaming audio captured from a device microphone or stored in local or remote audio files.


ai speech recognize [...]


Option Description
--key KEY API key for the Azure Speech service resource.
--region REGION Azure region where the service resource is deployed.
--language LANGUAGE The language to use for speech recognition.
--languages LANG1;LANG2... Semicolon-separated list of languages for recognition.
--microphone Use device microphone for audio input.
--file FILE Recognize speech from a local audio file.
--files PATTERN Recognize speech from multiple local audio files matching pattern.
--files @FILELIST.txt Recognize speech from a list of local audio files.
--format FORMAT Specify audio format.
--once[+] Perform single-turn speech recognition (set flag with +).
--continuous Perform continuous speech recognition.
--keyword FILENAME Specify a file containing a keyword for recognition.
--log FILENAME Save recognition log to a file.
--proxy HOSTNAME Use a proxy server for the recognition service.
--phrases @PHRASELIST.txt Use a list of custom phrases to improve recognition accuracy.
--foreach in @ITEMS.txt Recognize speech for each audio input listed in the provided file.
--threads NUMBER Specify the number of threads to use for processing.
--output-srt FILE Save recognition captions to a file in SRT format.
--output-vtt FILE Save recognition captions to a file in VTT format.


Recognize speech from a local audio file
ai speech recognize --file myaudio.wav --key myapikey --region westus
Perform continuous speech recognition using a microphone
ai speech recognize --microphone --continuous --key myapikey --region westus
Recognize speech from multiple local audio files
ai speech recognize --files "*.wav" --key myapikey --region westus
Recognize speech with custom phrases to improve accuracy
ai speech recognize --file myaudio.wav --key myapikey --region westus --phrases @phrases.txt