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ai speech intent

The ai speech intent command recognizes streaming audio captured from a device microphone or stored in local or remote audio files and returns intent information from that recognition using PATTERNS.


ai speech intent [...]


Option Description
--key KEY Subscription key for the Azure Speech Service.
--region REGION Region for the Azure Speech Service.
--pattern PATTERN Simple pattern to use for recognizing intents.
--pattern INTENTID=PATTERN Associate a pattern with a specific intent ID.
--patterns PATTERN1;PATTERN2 Use multiple patterns for recognizing intents.
--patterns @PATTERNS.txt Use patterns listed in a text file.
--microphone Use the device microphone as the input source.
--file FILE Use a local audio file as the input source.
--files PATTERN Use multiple local audio files as input sources.
--files @FILELIST.txt Use audio files listed in a text file as input sources.
--format FORMAT Specify the audio format (e.g., wav, mp3).
--once[+] Perform a single recognition for the input source (with optional repetition).
--continuous Perform continuous recognition for the input source.
--keyword FILENAME Perform recognition based on a keyword detected in the audio.
--language LANGUAGE Specify the language of the input audio (e.g., en-US).
--log FILENAME Save the recognition log to a file.
--proxy HOSTNAME Use a proxy server for the recognition.
--foreach in @ITEMS.txt Iterate the recognition over multiple items listed in a text file.
--threads NUMBER Specify the number of threads to use for parallel processing.


Recognize intent from a local audio file using a simple pattern
ai speech intent --file audio.wav --pattern "What's the weather like?"
Recognize intents from multiple audio files using patterns
ai speech intent --files *.wav --patterns "turn on the light";"turn off the light"
Recognize intents from audio files listed in a file using patterns from another file
ai speech intent --files @audiofiles.txt --patterns @patterns.txt
Perform continuous intent recognition from the microphone input
ai speech intent --microphone --continuous