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ai speech csr project delete

The ai speech csr project delete command deletes an existing custom speech recognition project.


ai speech csr project delete [OPTIONS]


Option Description
--key KEY The API key to authenticate the request
--region REGION The region where your Azure AI services are deployed
--project URL The URL of the project to delete
--input path PATH Specify the input file path
--output path PATH Specify the output file path
--output json FILENAME Specify a JSON file to output
--foreach in @FILENAME Execute the command for each item in the specified file
--save FILENAME Specify a file to save the command output
--zip ZIPFILE Specify a ZIP file to compress the output


Delete a custom speech recognition project
ai speech csr project delete --key your_api_key --region your_region --project your_project_url

This command deletes the custom speech recognition project specified by the --project URL.