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ai speech csr project create

The ai speech csr project create command creates a new custom speech recognition project.


ai speech csr project create [OPTIONS]


Option Description
--key KEY The API key for the speech service.
--region REGION The region of the speech service.
--name NAME The name of the custom speech recognition project.
--language LANGUAGE The language of the custom speech recognition project.
--description DESCRIPTION The description of the custom speech recognition project.
--output json FILENAME Output the result in JSON format to a file.
--output url @@FILE Output the result URL to a file.
--output id @@FILE Output the project ID to a file.
--input path PATH The input path for the project files.
--output path PATH The output path for the project files.
--foreach in @FILENAME Apply the command to each line in the file.
--save FILENAME Save the command output to a file.
--zip ZIPFILE Create a zip file of the project.


Creating a new custom speech recognition project
ai speech csr project create --key YOUR_API_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --name "MyProject" --language "en-US" --description "My custom speech recognition project"