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ai speech csr model status

The ai speech csr model status command checks the asynchronous creation status of a custom speech recognition model.


ai speech csr model status [...]


Option Description
--key KEY The key used to authenticate with the Azure AI service.
--region REGION The region where the Azure AI service is hosted.
--model URL The URL of the custom speech recognition model.
--output json FILENAME The filename to save the output in JSON format.
--wait [TIMEOUT] Wait for the operation to complete with an optional timeout.
--input path PATH Path to input file.
--output path PATH Path to output file.
--foreach in @FILENAME Iterate over each input in the provided file.
--save FILENAME Save the results to the specified filename.
--zip ZIPFILE Specify the zip file for the operation.


Check the status of a custom speech recognition model
ai speech csr model status --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --model YOUR_MODEL_URL --output json status.json