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ai speech csr model create


ai speech csr model create [OPTIONS]


Option Description
--key KEY Specifies the key for the custom speech service connection.
--region REGION Specifies the region of the custom speech service connection.
--project URL URL of the project to which the custom model should be added.
--name NAME Name of the custom speech recognition model.
--text @FILE Path to the text file containing training data.
--base URL URL of the base model to use for creating the custom model.
--dataset URL URL of the dataset to be used for training.
--datasets URL1;URL2 Semicolon-separated URLs of multiple datasets to use for training.
--language LANGUAGE Language code for the custom speech recognition model.
--description DESCRIPTION Description of the custom model being created.
--output json FILENAME Save the output in JSON format to the specified file.
--output url @@FILE Save the output URL to the specified file.
--output id @@FILE Save the output ID to the specified file.
--wait [TIMEOUT] Wait for the operation to complete with an optional timeout.
--input path PATH Path to the input data for creating the model.
--output path PATH Specifies the output path for the resultant model.
--foreach in @FILENAME Apply the command to each item in the specified file.
--save FILENAME Save the command output to the specified file.
--zip ZIPFILE Create a ZIP file of the output data.


Create a custom speech recognition model with a specified project and name
ai speech csr model create --project https://myprojecturl --name "MyCustomModel" --key myapikey --region westus --text @/path/to/textfile --base https://basemodelurl --dataset https://dataseturl --language en-US --description "Custom model for specific domain"
Create a custom speech recognition model with multiple datasets
ai speech csr model create --project https://myprojecturl --name "MyCustomModelMultiDataset" --key myapikey --region westus --text @/path/to/textfile --base https://basemodelurl --datasets https://dataseturl1;https://dataseturl2 --language en-US --description "Custom model using multiple datasets"