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ai speech csr model copy

The ai speech csr model copy command copies an existing custom speech recognition model from one region to another region.


Only adapted models are allowed to copy to another subscription.


ai speech csr model copy [...]


Option Description
--key KEY The API key for the speech service.
--region REGION The region where your speech service is located.
--model URL The URL of the model to be copied.
--target SUBSCRIPTION The target subscription where the model will be copied to.
--output json FILENAME Outputs the result in JSON format to a specified file.
--output url @@FILE Outputs the result URL to a specified file.
--output id @@FILE Outputs the result ID to a specified file.
--wait [TIMEOUT] Waits for the operation to complete, with an optional timeout.
--input path PATH Specifies the path for input files.
--foreach in @FILENAME Executes the command for each line in the specified file.
--output path PATH Specifies the path for output files.
--foreach in @FILENAME Executes the command for each line in the specified file.
--save FILENAME Saves the command options to a specified file.
--zip ZIPFILE Specifies a ZIP file for the command.


Copy a custom speech recognition model to another region
ai speech csr model copy --key my-key --region westus --model --target my-target-subscription --output json result.json