ai speech csr evaluation list
The ai speech csr evaluation list
command lists details about existing custom speech recognition evaluations and/or its associated files.
Option | Description |
--key KEY |
Subscription key |
--region REGION |
Azure region |
--evaluations |
List existing evaluations |
--languages |
List languages of evaluations |
--evaluation ID/URL |
Specify the evaluation by ID or URL |
--files |
List associated files |
--project URL |
Specify the project URL |
--input path PATH |
Specify the input path |
--output path PATH |
Specify the output path |
--output json FILFE |
Specify the output file in JSON format |
--foreach in @FILE |
Loop through each evaluation in specified file |
--save FILE |
Save the list to a specific file |
--zip ZIPFILE |
Create a zip file with the listed evaluations or their details |
List all existing evaluations in a specific region
ai speech csr evaluation list --region westus2 --key <your_subscription_key> --evaluations
List evaluation languages for specific evaluation ID
ai speech csr evaluation list --region westus2 --key <your_subscription_key> --evaluation 01234567-89ab-cdef-fedc-ba9876543210 --languages
List all associated files for specific evaluation URL
ai speech csr evaluation list --region westus2 --key <your_subscription_key> --evaluation --files