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ai speech csr endpoint download

The ai speech csr endpoint download command downloads one or more files associated with a custom speech recognition endpoint.


ai speech csr endpoint download [...]


Option Description
--key KEY Specifies the key for the connection.
--region REGION Specifies the region for the connection.
--endpoint log URL Specifies the endpoint log URL for downloading files.
--output file FILENAME Specifies the output file name for the downloaded file(s).
--output json FILENAME Specifies the output JSON file name for the downloaded file(s).
--output URL @@FILE Specifies the output URL for the downloaded file(s).
--url URL Specifies the download URL.
--file URL Specifies the file URL.
--input path PATH Specifies the input path for the operation.
--output path PATH Specifies the output path for the operation.
--foreach in @FILENAME Specifies a file containing a list of items to process.
--save FILENAME Specifies the file name for saving the configuration.
--zip ZIPFILE Specifies the zip file name for the downloaded content.


Download files associated with a custom speech recognition endpoint
ai speech csr endpoint download --key "your-key" --region "your-region" --endpoint log "your-endpoint-log-url" --output file "output-filename"