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ai speech csr endpoint delete

The ai speech csr endpoint delete command deletes an existing custom speech recognition endpoint.


ai speech csr endpoint delete [...]


Option Description
--key KEY The subscription key to use
--region REGION The region to use
--endpoint URL The URL of the endpoint to delete
--endpoint log URL The URL of the endpoint log to delete
--input path PATH Additional paths to search for input files
--output path PATH Directory where all output files should be written
--output json FILENAME Save the service JSON response into the specified file
--foreach in @FILENAME Repeats a specific command multiple times using a TSV file
--save FILENAME Save the command line and related configuration data into a file
--zip ZIPFILE Specify a ZIP archive file


Delete a custom speech recognition endpoint using the region and key directly on the command line
ai speech csr endpoint delete --region westus2 --key 436172626F6E20697320636F6F6C2121 --endpoint
Delete a custom speech recognition endpoint using the region and key from AI configuration
ai config speech @region --set westus2
ai config speech @key --set 436172626F6E20697320636F6F6C2121
ai speech csr endpoint delete --region @region --key @key --endpoint