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ai speech csr dataset upload

The ai speech csr dataset upload command uploads a new dataset by getting the data from a specified local data file.


ai speech csr dataset upload [...]


Option Description
--key KEY The API key to use for the request.
--region REGION The region where the dataset will be uploaded.
--name NAME The name of the dataset.
--description DESCRIPTION A description for the dataset.
--language LANGUAGE The language of the dataset.
--data FILENAME The path to the local data file to be uploaded.
--kind KIND The kind of dataset, e.g., 'audio', 'text'.
--output json FILENAME The path to the JSON output file.
--wait [TIMEOUT] Wait for the operation to complete, optionally specifying a timeout.
--input path PATH The input path for advanced operations.
--output path PATH The output path for advanced operations.
--foreach in @FILENAME Apply the command to all items listed in the given file.
--save FILENAME Save the operation results to the specified file.
--zip ZIPFILE The path to a zip file containing data to be uploaded.


Upload a new dataset
ai speech csr dataset upload --key your_api_key --region your_region --name "MyDataset" --description "This is a test dataset" --language en-us --data /path/to/data/file --kind audio