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ai speech csr dataset download

The ai speech csr dataset download command downloads one or more files associated with a custom speech recognition dataset.


ai speech csr dataset download [...]


Option Description
--key API key for the Custom Speech Service
--region Azure region where the Custom Speech Service is deployed
--file URL of the file(s) to download
--output-file Specify the output filename for the downloaded file
--output-json Specify JSON format for the output
--output-url Specify URL format for the output
--url URL of the dataset
--input-path Input path for the dataset
--output-path Output path for the downloaded file(s)
--foreach in Iterate over a list of URLs in a file
--save Save the command's results in the specified file
--zip Download and save as a ZIP file


Download a dataset file
ai speech csr dataset download --key YOUR_API_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --file YOUR_FILE_URL --output file FILENAME