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ai speech csr dataset create

The ai speech csr dataset create command creates a new dataset by getting the data from a specified URL.


ai speech csr dataset create [options]


Option Description
--key KEY The API key to use for the connection.
--region REGION The region of your Azure resource.
--project URL The URL of the project to associate the dataset with.
--name NAME The name of the dataset.
--kind KIND The kind of dataset being created (e.g., text, audio).
--content URL The URL where the content for the dataset is located.
--language LANGUAGE The language of the dataset content.
--description DESCRIPTION A description of the dataset.
--output json FILENAME Save the output as a JSON file.
--output url @@FILE Save the output URL in the specified file.
--output id @@FILE Save the output ID in the specified file.
--wait [TIMEOUT] Wait for the operation to complete. Optionally specify a timeout.
--input path PATH Read input from the specified path.
--output path PATH Write output to the specified path.
--foreach in @FILENAME Iterate over multiple inputs specified in a file.
--save FILENAME Save the state to a file.
--zip ZIPFILE Zip the content specified.


Create a new dataset with specified project and content URL
ai speech csr dataset create --key your_api_key --region your_region --project --name your_dataset_name --kind text --content --language en-US --description "Sample dataset"