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ai speech batch transcription update

The ai speech batch transcription update command updates an existing transcription request with a new name, description, or project association.


ai speech batch transcription update [...]


Option Description
--key KEY The key for the Azure Speech service.
--region REGION The region for the Azure Speech service.
--project URL The URL of the project to associate with the request.
--name NAME The new name for the transcription request.
--description DESCRIPTION The new description for the transcription request.
--transcription URL The URL of the transcription request.


Update a transcription request with a new name
ai speech batch transcription update --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --transcription URL --name "NewName"
Update a transcription request with a new description
ai speech batch transcription update --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --transcription URL --description "NewDescription"
Update a transcription request with a new project association
ai speech batch transcription update --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --transcription URL --project "ProjectURL"