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ai speech batch transcription list

The ai speech batch transcription list command lists details about existing batch transcriptions.


ai speech batch transcription list [...]


Option Description
--key KEY The Azure Speech key to use for the connection.
--region REGION The Azure Speech region to use for the connection.
--transcriptions Lists the transcriptions.
--languages Lists the languages available for transcription.
--transcription URL URL of the transcription resource.
--files Lists the files associated with a transcription.


List all batch transcriptions
ai speech batch transcription list --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --transcriptions
List all languages available for transcription
ai speech batch transcription list --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --languages
List all files associated with a transcription
ai speech batch transcription list --key YOUR_KEY --region YOUR_REGION --files --transcription URL YOUR_TRANSCRIPTION_URL