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ai speech batch transcription create

The ai speech batch transcription create command creates new requests to transcribe remote audio streams.


ai speech batch transcription create [...]


Option Description
--key KEY Specifies the subscription key to use for authentication.
--region REGION Specifies the region for the speech resource.
--name NAME Specifies the display name of the transcription.
--model URL Specifies the custom speech model to use to transcribe the content.
--content URL Specifies the content to be transcribed, referring to audio data stored remotely at URLs.
--content @URLs.txt Specifies the content using a text file containing one or more URLs.
--language LANGUAGE Specifies a single spoken language in BCP-47 format. Defaults to en-US if not specified.
--threads NUMBER Specifies the maximum number of threads to use when parallelizing tasks.
--processes NUMBER Specifies the maximum number of sub-processes to use when parallelizing tasks.
--project URL Specifies the URL of the project.
--wait [TIMEOUT] Waits for the operation to complete, optionally specifying a timeout.


Create a batch transcription for an audio file
ai speech batch transcription create --name "Example 1" --content
Create a batch transcription for two remote audio files
ai config @audio.urls.txt --clear
ai config @audio.urls.txt --add
ai config @audio.urls.txt --add
ai speech batch transcription create --name "Example 2" --content @audio.urls.txt
Create and save a batch transcription job
ai config @audio.urls.txt --clear
ai config @audio.urls.txt --add
ai config @audio.urls.txt --add
ai speech batch transcription create --name "Example 3" --content @audio.urls.txt --save transcription.job
Execute a saved transcription job and wait for completion
ai speech batch transcription create @transcription.job --wait