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ai speech batch transcription


ai speech batch transcription [command]


Sub-command Description
ai speech batch transcription create Creates new requests to transcribe remote audio streams
ai speech batch transcription delete Deletes an existing batch transcription that has already completed
ai speech batch transcription download Downloads files from batch transcriptions that have already completed
ai speech batch transcription list Lists details about existing batch transcriptions
ai speech batch transcription status Checks the status of existing batch transcriptions, providing additional details


Create a batch transcription
ai speech batch transcription create --name "transcription1" --model "<model_url>" --content "<content_url>" --language "en-US"
Delete a batch transcription
ai speech batch transcription delete --transcription "<transcription_url>"
Download transcription file
ai speech batch transcription download --file "<file_url>" --output "<output_filename>"
List batch transcriptions
ai speech batch transcription list --transcriptions
Check transcription status
ai speech batch transcription status --transcription "<transcription_url>"