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ai search index update

The ai search index update command updates a vector index.


ai search index update [...]


Option Description
--subscription SUBSCRIPTION Specifies the Azure subscription.
--index-name NAME Specifies the name of the search index.
--search-api-key KEY Specifies the search API key.
--search-endpoint ENDPOINT Specifies the search endpoint.
--data-source-connection NAME Specifies the data source connection.
--blob-container ENDPOINT/NAME Specifies the blob container.
--indexer-name NAME Specifies the indexer name.
--skillset-name NAME Specifies the skillset name.
--id-field NAME Specifies the ID field name.
--content-field NAME Specifies the content field name.
--vector-field NAME Specifies the vector field name.
--embedding-deployment DEPLOYMENT Specifies the embedding deployment.
--embedding-model MODEL Specifies the embedding model.
--file FILE Specifies the file.
--files FILES Specifies the files.
--external-source Specifies the external source.


Update a search index with files from a blob container
ai search index update --index-name product-info --files "*.md" --blob-container