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ai init

The ai init command allows interactive and non-interactive selection or creation of Azure AI resources. When an AI resource is selected or created using this command, the associated resource keys and region are retrieved and automatically stored in the local AI configuration datastore.


ai init <command> [...]


Option Description
--subscription Specify the subscription ID to use.
--interactive Enable or disable interactive mode (true/false).
--region Specify the region for the resource.
--group Specify the resource group name.
--name Specify the name for the resource.


Command Description
ai init openai Creates or selects an Azure OpenAI resource.
ai init inference Initializes the connection to the Azure AI Inference endpoint.
ai init github Initializes the connection to the GitHub Model Marketplace.
ai init speech Creates or selects an Azure Speech resource.
ai init search Creates or selects an Azure Search resource.


Interactively select or create an Azure AI resource
ai init
Interactively select a resource matching a set of criteria
ai init --name "ai-westus2" --region westus2