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ai dev new list

The ai dev new list command lists available templates that can be used with the ai dev new command. These templates include quickstart sample code and helper functions.


ai dev new list [PARTIAL_TEMPLATE_NAME] [...]


Option Description
--language LANGUAGE Specifies the language for the new template.
--csharp Alias for --language csharp.
--go Alias for --language go.
--java Alias for --language java.
--javascript Alias for --language javascript.
--python Alias for --language python.


List available templates
ai dev new list
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                       Language                        
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                                                             
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                      C#, Python                      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                                 C#                              
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                                 openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)                  openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                                       openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)                        openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)              openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)               openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                         C#                              
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions          C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                                C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                      C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions                 C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                              C#                              
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                         C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                      C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation                  C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                                   C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                         C#, Python                      
List only C# templates
ai dev new list --csharp
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                 Language
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------    --------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                               
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                C#      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                           C#      
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                C#      
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                      C#      
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code            C#      
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search     C#      
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions       C#      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                C#      
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                      C#      
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data            C#      
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions       C#      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                   C#      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions    C#      
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                          C#      
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                C#      
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions           C#      
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                        C#      
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                             C#      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco             C#      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                   C#      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                C#      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation            C#      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                             C#      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                   C#      
Filter templates by name
ai dev new list openai
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This PUBLIC PREVIEW version may change at any time.

Name                                             Short Name                                       Language                        
---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
OpenAI Assistants                                openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                    openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)          openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)               openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                 openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                        openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)         openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                          openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)              openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                              openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)               openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)     openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)      openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Filter templates by name and language
ai dev new list openai --javascript
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                             Short Name                                Language  
---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------------    ----------
OpenAI Assistants                                openai-asst                               JavaScript
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                    openai-asst-streaming                     JavaScript
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)          openai-asst-streaming-with-code           JavaScript
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)               openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search    JavaScript
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                 openai-asst-streaming-with-functions      JavaScript
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                        openai-asst-webpage                       JavaScript
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)         openai-asst-webpage-with-functions        JavaScript
OpenAI Chat Completions                          openai-chat                               JavaScript
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)              openai-chat-streaming                     JavaScript
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    openai-chat-streaming-with-data           JavaScript
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           openai-chat-streaming-with-functions      JavaScript
OpenAI Chat Webpage                              openai-chat-webpage                       JavaScript
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)               openai-chat-webpage-with-functions        JavaScript