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ai chat

The ai chat command initiates interactive or non-interactive conversations with an AI language model (e.g. OpenAI's GPT4).


ai chat [...]
ai chat <sub-command> [...]


Option Description
--deployment DEPLOYMENT Specifies the deployment to use.
--endpoint ENDPOINT Specifies the endpoint to use.
--key KEY Specifies the key to use.
--interactive Specifies whether the chat is interactive.
--system PROMPT Specifies the system prompt to use.
--user MESSAGE Specifies the user message to use.
--chat-history FILE Specifies the chat history file to use.
--assistant-id ID Specifies the assistant ID to use.
--thread-id ID Specifies the thread ID to use.
--index-name INDEX Specifies the index name to use.
--search-endpoint ENDPOINT Specifies the search endpoint to use.
--search-api-key KEY Specifies the search API key to use.
--built-in-functions TRUE Specifies whether to use built-in functions.
--custom-functions PATTERN Specifies the custom functions pattern to use.
--temperature TEMPERATURE Specifies the temperature to use.
--max-tokens MAX_TOKENS Specifies the maximum tokens to use.
--top-p TOP_P Specifies the top-p to use.
--n N Specifies the n to use.
--output-answer Specifies the output answer file to use.
--output-chat-history Specifies the output chat history file to use.
--input-chat-history Specifies the input chat history file to use.
--model Specifies the GitHub model to use.


Sub-Command Description
ai chat assistant Initiates an assistant with specific configurations (e.g., vector store-based solutions).


Initialize OpenAI and start an interactive session
ai init openai
ai chat --interactive
Send a user message to the AI
ai chat --user "What can you do?"
_Send a user message with a specific temperature_
ai chat --user "Tell me a joke." --temperature 0.7