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OpenAI Chat AI Search

Why use OpenAI Chat with AI Search?

Using OpenAI Chat with AI Search allows you to extend the LLM's innate world knowledge with custom data of your own. This enables you to provide more relevant and accurate responses to user queries by leveraging Azure AI Search to find and retrieve data from your own data sources, using keyword, vector, and/or semantic search.

The ai CLI allows you to extend OpenAI's models with custom data sources using Azure AI Search.


Before you begin, you'll need to install the ai CLI and set up Azure OpenAI.

Install the ai CLI
Setup Azure OpenAI

Initialize Azure AI Search resource

Initialize Azure AI Search
ai init search
Follow the prompts to select your Azure subscription and Azure AI Search resource.

Get search endpoint
ai config @search.endpoint
Get search key
ai config @search.key

Create or update your Azure AI Search index

Create search index
ai search index create --name MyFiles --files *.md --blob-container https://...
Update search index
ai search index update --name MyFiles --files *.md --blob-container https://...

See the persisted config from ai search index create/update

Get search index name
ai config

Use the search index in chat completions

Use search index in chat
ai chat --user "What is the capital of France?" --index MyFiles

The ai dev new command allows you to generate OpenAI Chat sample code with custom data sources using Azure AI Search.


Before you begin, you'll need to install the ai CLI and set up Azure OpenAI.

Install the ai CLI
Setup Azure OpenAI

List samples

List available templates
ai dev new list
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                       Language                        
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                                                             
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                      C#, Python                      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                                 C#                              
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                                 openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)                  openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                                       openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)                        openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)              openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)               openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                         C#                              
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions          C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                                C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                      C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions                 C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                              C#                              
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                         C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                      C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation                  C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                                   C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                         C#, Python                      
List only C# samples
ai dev new list --csharp
Filter the list by name
ai dev new list openai-chat-streaming-with-data --csharp

Generate, build, and run a sample

Generate a C# sample that uses AI Search functionalities.

aai dev new openai-chat-streaming-with-data --csharp
cd openai-chat-streaming-with-data-cs
See the code; learn how it works...


Deep dive on how it works

Install dependencies
dotnet restore
Run the sample
ai dev shell
dotnet run

List samples

List available templates
ai dev new list
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                       Language                        
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                                                             
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                      C#, Python                      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                                 C#                              
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                                 openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)                  openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                                       openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)                        openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)              openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)               openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                         C#                              
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions          C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                                C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                      C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions                 C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                              C#                              
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                         C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                      C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation                  C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                                   C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                         C#, Python                      
List only Go samples
ai dev new list --go
Filter the list by name
ai dev new list openai-chat-streaming-with-data --go

Generate, build, and run a sample

Generate a Go sample that uses AI Search functionalities.

aai dev new openai-chat-streaming-with-data --go
cd openai-chat-streaming-with-data-go
See the code; learn how it works...


Deep dive on how it works

Install dependencies
go mod tidy
Run the sample
ai dev shell
go run main.go

List samples

List available templates
ai dev new list
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                       Language                        
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                                                             
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                      C#, Python                      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                                 C#                              
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                                 openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)                  openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                                       openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)                        openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)              openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)               openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                         C#                              
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions          C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                                C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                      C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions                 C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                              C#                              
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                         C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                      C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation                  C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                                   C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                         C#, Python                      
List only Java samples
ai dev new list --java
Filter the list by name
ai dev new list openai-chat-streaming-with-data --java

Generate, build, and run a sample

Generate a Java sample that uses AI Search functionalities.

aai dev new openai-chat-streaming-with-data --java
cd openai-chat-streaming-with-data-java
See the code; learn how it works...

Deep dive on how it works

Restore packages
mvn clean package
Build the sample
ai dev shell
javac -cp "target/lib/*" src/ src/ -d out
Run the sample
java -cp "out;target/lib/*" Main

List samples

List available templates
ai dev new list
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                       Language                        
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                                                             
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                      C#, Python                      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                                 C#                              
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                                 openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)                  openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                                       openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)                        openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)              openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)               openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                         C#                              
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions          C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                                C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                      C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions                 C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                              C#                              
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                         C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                      C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation                  C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                                   C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                         C#, Python                      
List only JavaScript samples
ai dev new list --javascript
Filter the list by name
ai dev new list openai-chat-streaming-with-data --javascript

Generate, build, and run a sample

Generate a JavaScript sample that uses AI Search functionalities.

aai dev new openai-chat-streaming-with-data --javascript
cd openai-chat-streaming-with-data-js
See the code; learn how it works...


Deep dive on how it works

Install dependencies
npm install
Run the sample
ai dev shell
node Main.js

List samples

List available templates
ai dev new list
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name                                                      Short Name                                       Language                        
------------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
Environment Variables                                     .env                                                                             
Azure AI Inference Chat Completions (Streaming)           az-inference-chat-streaming                      C#, Python                      
Helper Function Class Library                             helper-functions                                 C#                              
OpenAI Assistants                                         openai-asst                                      C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (Streaming)                             openai-asst-streaming                            C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Code Interpreter)                   openai-asst-streaming-with-code                  C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ File Search)                        openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search           C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants (w/ Functions)                          openai-asst-streaming-with-functions             C#, JavaScript, Python          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage                                 openai-asst-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Assistants Webpage (w/ Functions)                  openai-asst-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript                      
OpenAI Chat Completions                                   openai-chat                                      C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (Streaming)                       openai-chat-streaming                            C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)             openai-chat-streaming-with-data                  C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python
OpenAI Chat Completions (w/ Functions)                    openai-chat-streaming-with-functions             C#, Go, JavaScript, Python      
OpenAI Chat Webpage                                       openai-chat-webpage                              JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions)                        openai-chat-webpage-with-functions               JavaScript, TypeScript          
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Speech input/output)              openai-chat-webpage-with-speech                  TypeScript                      
OpenAI Chat Webpage (w/ Functions + Speech)               openai-chat-webpage-with-speech-and-functions    TypeScript                      
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX)                          phi3-onnx-chat-streaming                         C#                              
Phi-3 Chat Completions (w/ ONNX + Functions)              phi3-onnx-chat-streaming-with-functions          C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (Streaming)              sk-chat-streaming                                C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Data + AI Search)    sk-chat-streaming-with-data                      C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Functions)           sk-chat-streaming-with-functions                 C#                              
Semantic Kernel Chat Completions (w/ Agents)              sk-chat-with-agents                              C#                              
Speech-to-text                                            speech-to-text                                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Continuous recognition)                speech-to-text-continuous-reco                   C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ File input)                            speech-to-text-with-file                         C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Keyword detection)                     speech-to-text-with-keyword                      C#, Python                      
Speech-to-text (w/ Translation)                           speech-to-text-with-translation                  C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech                                            text-to-speech                                   C#, Python                      
Text-to-speech (w/ File output)                           text-to-speech-with-file                         C#, Python                      
List only Python samples
ai dev new list --python
Filter the list by name
ai dev new list openai-chat-streaming-with-data --python

Generate, build, and run a sample

Generate a Python sample that uses AI Search functionalities.

aai dev new openai-chat-streaming-with-data --python
cd openai-chat-streaming-with-data-py
See the code; learn how it works...

Deep dive on how it works

Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the sample
ai dev shell