OpenAI Assistants with File Search Streaming in C#
This sample demonstrates how to use OpenAI Assistants with file search streaming in a C# console application.
How to generate this sample
AI - Azure AI CLI, Version 1.0.0
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Generating 'openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search' in 'openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search-cs' (3 files)...
Generating 'openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search' in 'openai-asst-streaming-with-file-search-cs' (3 files)... DONE!
STEP 1: Read the configuration settings from environment variables and validate them.
var assistantId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASSISTANT_ID") ?? "<insert your OpenAI assistant ID here>";
var threadId = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null;
// Validate environment variables
var openAIAPIKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY") ?? "<insert your Azure OpenAI API key here>";
var openAIEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT") ?? "<insert your Azure OpenAI endpoint here>";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(openAIAPIKey) || openAIAPIKey.StartsWith("<insert") ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(openAIEndpoint) || openAIEndpoint.StartsWith("<insert") ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(assistantId) || assistantId.StartsWith("<insert"))
Console.WriteLine("To use Azure OpenAI, set the following environment variables:");
STEP 2: Initialize the OpenAI client and the helper class.
var client = string.IsNullOrEmpty(openAIAPIKey)
? new AzureOpenAIClient(new Uri(openAIEndpoint), new DefaultAzureCredential())
: new AzureOpenAIClient(new Uri(openAIEndpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(openAIAPIKey));
var assistant = new OpenAIAssistantsFileSearchStreamingClass(client, assistantId);
STEP 3: Create or retrieve a thread, and get existing messages if a thread ID is provided.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(threadId))
await assistant.CreateThreadAsync();
await assistant.RetrieveThreadAsync(threadId);
await assistant.GetThreadMessagesAsync((role, content) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{char.ToUpper(role[0]) + role.Substring(1)}: {content}\n");
STEP 4: Obtain user input, use the helper class to get the assistant's response, and display responses as they are received.
while (true)
Console.Write("User: ");
var userPrompt = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userPrompt) || userPrompt == "exit") break;
Console.Write("\nAssistant: ");
await assistant.GetResponseAsync(userPrompt, content => {
Console.WriteLine($"Bye! (ThreadId: {assistant.Thread?.Id})");
STEP 1: Initialize the helper class using the OpenAI client and assistant ID.
public OpenAIAssistantsFileSearchStreamingClass(OpenAIClient client, string assistantId)
_fileClient = client.GetFileClient();
_assistantClient = client.GetAssistantClient();
_assistantId = assistantId;
STEP 2: Create or retrieve a thread.
public async Task CreateThreadAsync()
var result = await _assistantClient.CreateThreadAsync();
Thread = result.Value;
public async Task RetrieveThreadAsync(string threadId)
var result = await _assistantClient.GetThreadAsync(threadId);
Thread = result.Value;
STEP 3: Get existing messages from the thread and invoke the callback for each.
public async Task GetThreadMessagesAsync(Action<string, string> callback)
var options = new MessageCollectionOptions() { Order = ListOrder.OldestFirst };
await foreach (var message in _assistantClient.GetMessagesAsync(Thread, options).GetAllValuesAsync())
var content = string.Join("", message.Content.Select(c => c.Text));
var role = message.Role == MessageRole.User ? "user" : "assistant";
callback(role, content);
STEP 4: When the user provides input, add the user message to the thread and create a new streaming run.
public async Task GetResponseAsync(string userInput, Action<string> callback)
await _assistantClient.CreateMessageAsync(Thread, MessageRole.User, [ userInput ]);
var assistant = await _assistantClient.GetAssistantAsync(_assistantId);
var stream = _assistantClient.CreateRunStreamingAsync(Thread, assistant.Value);
STEP 5: Process the streaming updates, handling file search annotations, and invoking the callback for each content update.
var cachedContent = string.Empty;
await foreach (var update in stream)
if (update is MessageContentUpdate contentUpdate)
var content = contentUpdate.Text;
var hasContent = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(content);
var replace = contentUpdate.TextAnnotation?.TextToReplace;
var hasAnnotation = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(replace);
var hasLenticularBrackets = hasContent && content.Contains("\u3010") && content.Contains("\u3011");
var shouldCache = hasLenticularBrackets && !hasAnnotation;
if (shouldCache)
cachedContent = cachedContent + content;
var hasCache = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedContent);
if (hasCache)
content = cachedContent + content;
cachedContent = string.Empty;
if (hasAnnotation)
var fileId = contentUpdate.TextAnnotation!.InputFileId;
var file = await _fileClient.GetFileAsync(fileId);
var fileName = file.Value.Filename ?? fileId;
var citation = $"[{contentUpdate.TextAnnotation!.ContentIndex}](file:{fileName})";
var hasReplacement = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(content) && content.Contains(replace!);
content = hasReplacement
? content.Replace(replace!, citation)
: $"{citation} ";
if (update.UpdateKind == StreamingUpdateReason.RunStepCompleted)